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Miniature Ships Sail Atop Asya Kozina’s Extravagant Baroque Wigs of White Paper

Riken Maharjan
A photo of two people modeling elaborate paper wigs topped with sea scenes

All images © Asya Kozina, shared with permission

Artist Asya Kozina is known for her elaborate paper wigs that soar into the air with scenes of miniature metropolises and various botanical frills, coils, and pleats. Referencing the ominous tale of the Flying Dutchman, Kozina’s latest collection transports wearers to the sea with fleets of ships that sail across the cut-and-folded headdresses. The legend states that seeing the vessel portends imminent danger, a sense of mystery and hazard the artist juxtaposes with blossoming botanicals and butterflies full of life.

Kozina is based in Ukraine, and in a note to Colossal, she shares that Russia’s ongoing aggression has necessarily paused her practice as she focuses on volunteer efforts and caring for her family.  “We are in a state of more or less stress,” she says. “My attention is focused on air alarms and news and correspondence with relatives in other cities of Ukraine. At the same time, we pretend that we have a normal life… It’s completely surreal.”

You can find more about Kozina’s work and support her practice on her siteBehance,and Instagram.


A photo of a person modeling an elaborate paper wigs topped with florals

A detail photo of an elaborate paper wigs topped with sea scenes

A photo of a person modeling an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

A photo of a person modeling an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

A detail photo of an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

A photo of a person modeling an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

A detail photo of an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

A detail photo of an elaborate paper wigs topped with a sea scene

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