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OTM Graff Crew Brings “Jurassic World Dominion” to Bushwick: Cortes, Scope, Meres, Sloke, Qwizm, Geobany & More

Riken Maharjan

Earlier this summer, several members of the OTM Graff Crew brought their spectacular skills to Bushwick, where they fashioned their distinctly impressive rendition of  Jurassic World Dominion. Featured above are the talents of Cortes and Scope against a background created by Cortes, Meres, Albertus Joseph and Topaz. Several more images captured from the huge production follow:

Meres, 5Pointz founder, who spearheaded this production

Austin, Texas-based Sloke One

Close-up  from collaborative background 

Boston-bred Qwizm

NYC-based Geobany

Photos: Lois Stavsky

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